On occasion I am asked if I will travel to refinish Hardwood Floors. These jobs tend to be more complacated in nature and require greater skill than your average refinish. They tend to be historic homes with floors many generations old and others finishers have passed on the project. I like the challenge of these projects and I will travel to perform the refinish. Because of the nature and time involved to complete the refinish the costs will be higher than the standard Hardwood Floor Refinish but a lot less expensive than replacing the floor. Owners of these floors want to maintain the history of these homes in places like Kanab, Beaver, Springdale, Panguitch and Cannonville. If you have one of these older historic homes I would love to be a part of your remodel.
Hardwood Floor Refinishing in Cedar City, Utah
/by Greg WarrenI have been licensed to Refinish Hardwood Floors since 1983. I started at a very early age and learned everything I could from some of the best flooring contractors in the USA as a member for the National Wood Floor Association. Even today I still actively continue to advance myself as there are changes in the way Hardwood Floors are sanded including the methods to control sanding dust. All my machines are attached to powerful vacuums that suck the dust created in the sanding process. I no longer need to plastic off cabinets in kitchens or bookcases like we did in the distant past. My clients are surprised at how clean their home is after the refinishing process. Have a look at my website I have linked here to see the type of projects I have created for past clients. Across the top of the homepage you can click the “REFINISHING” link to see multiple projects with pictures of each refinishing job. I also have links on each page that will take you to my 83 Five Star Client Reviews. I have never gotten anything less than 5 Stars. My clients are important to me and nothing less than a stellar job is acceptable when I leave. Call me and we can start the process of putting a price together to Refinish your Hardwood Floors. I can also add on to your existing wood floors to match your current floors. I look forward to your call and working on your project.
Hardwood Floor Refinishing in St George
/by Greg WarrenI have been licensed to Refinish Hardwood Floors since 1983. I started at a very early age and learned everything I could from some of the best flooring contractors in the USA as a member for the National Wood Floor Association. Even today I still actively continue to advance myself as there are changes in the way Hardwood Floors are sanded including the methods to control sanding dust. All my machines are attached to powerful vacuums that suck the dust created in the sanding process. I no longer need to plastic off cabinets in kitchens or bookcases like we did in the distant past. My clients are surprised at how clean their home is after the refinishing process. Have a look at my website I have linked here to see the type of projects I have created for past clients. Across the top of the homepage you can click the “REFINISHING” link to see multiple projects with pictures of each refinishing job. I also have links on each page that will take you to my 83 Five Star Client Reviews. I have never gotten anything less than 5 Stars. My clients are important to me and nothing less than a stellar job is acceptable when I leave. Call me and we can start the process of putting a price together to Refinish your Hardwood Floors. I can also add on to your existing wood floors to match your current floors. I look forward to your call and working on your project.
The trend towards non yellowing polyurethanes
/by Greg WarrenSouthern Utah has had a long history of refinishing floors that yellow/golden up over time. Products like oil base polyurethane and Glitsa have been the standard for decades. They look nice at first but become unattractive over time especially with Maple, Hictory and Oak when they are refinished to a natural light color. Now as homeowners are performing a light remodel of their homes they no longer want their floors to yellow. That brings in the use of Epoxy Water Base Polyurethanes. They have been in existance since the mid 1980’s. For many years these polyurethanes were unsuccessful as they wore out. It wasn’t until about the year 2000 that they started to perform after many modifications of the chemistery. The problem is the home ownership community knew about all those failures and wanted nothing to do with those products. They wanted the trusted oil base polyurethanes and Glitsa. Now it is 24 years later and the community of homeowners have come to realize that Epoxy Water Base polyurethanes are a successful alternative. They have two advantages as they do not yellow and they have more choices as far as the luster of your floor. The lower luster matt sheen is available with water base which some homeowners appreciate. If you are looking for a refinisher to apply one of these non yellowing polyurethanes I have years of experience applying these products. Contact me for an estimate if you are interested. I would love to be a part of your project.
Refinishing Historic Hardwood Floors in Southern Utah
/by Greg WarrenOn occasion I am asked if I will travel to refinish Hardwood Floors. These jobs tend to be more complacated in nature and require greater skill than your average refinish. They tend to be historic homes with floors many generations old and others finishers have passed on the project. I like the challenge of these projects and I will travel to perform the refinish. Because of the nature and time involved to complete the refinish the costs will be higher than the standard Hardwood Floor Refinish but a lot less expensive than replacing the floor. Owners of these floors want to maintain the history of these homes in places like Kanab, Beaver, Springdale, Panguitch and Cannonville. If you have one of these older historic homes I would love to be a part of your remodel.
Greg Warren Hardwood Floors in Leeds, Utah
/by Greg WarrenI am a specialist with the installation and finishing of solid 3/4″ Unfinished Hardwood Floors. I have been handling projects like this since 1983. I also sell solid Hardwood Floors to my clients at distributor costs. For those that already have a Solid Wood Floor I also perform Dustless Refinishing. Everything from a natural wood color, traditional stains and contemporary modern colors like gray washes. I use top quality oil base polyurethane and water base non yellowing epoxy polyurethanes for the modern colors or for those that do not want their lumber to yellow over time. All the work is performed by myself personally to maintain the highest quality levels. If you have an interest in getting an estimate contact me. The estimates are free. I am licensed here in Utah and I maintain a million dollar liability insurance policy to protect my client’s property. I have 77 five star reviews on houzz and on Google. Those links are on every page of my website.